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Parts of the Bee

SKU 4867030


Parts of the Bee provides a thorough introduction to honey bees with Montessori 3-part nomenclature cards, posters, and a matching activity. It covers the following topics:


  • Parts of the Honey Bee: Two sets of nomenclature cards for different parts, including the head, thorax, abdomen, wings, antenna, eyes, legs, and pollen baskets.
  • Life Cycle: Sequencing cards and posters detailing the life stages of honey bees: egg, larva, pupa, and adult bee. Includes templates for follow-up work.
  • Bee Behavior and Structures: Vocabulary cards for terms such as queen bee, worker bee, drone, pollination, honeycomb, bee hive, bee nest, and waggle dance.

This comprehensive set ensures a complete understanding of honey bees, reinforcing key concepts through interactive activities and educational materials.


    Standards met by this product:

    • Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS):

      • K-PS3-1: Make observations to determine the effect of sunlight on Earth’s surface. (Understanding how bees interact with their environment, including pollination.)
      • K-LS1-1: Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals need to survive. (Understanding the life cycle of honey bees and their role in ecosystems.)
      • 1-LS1-1: Use materials to design a solution to a human problem. (Exploring bee behavior and the role of bees in agriculture.)
      • 3-LS1-1: Develop models to describe the structures and functions of plants and animals. (Learning about the parts of a bee and their functions.)
    • Common Core State Standards (CCSS):

      • Reading Informational Text: RI.1.1 and RI.2.1 - Ask and answer questions about key details in a text. (Using the vocabulary and life cycle sequencing cards to improve comprehension of informational text.)
      • Science and Technical Subjects: RST.3-5.3 - Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks. (Using interactive materials to reinforce understanding of scientific concepts.)
    • National Science Education Standards (NSES):

      • Content Standard C: Life Science - Organisms have structures and functions that work together to help them survive. (Exploring the anatomy and life cycle of honey bees.)
      • Content Standard F: Science in Personal and Social Perspectives - Plants and animals depend on each other and their environment. (Understanding pollination and the role of bees in ecosystems.)
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